Positive and negative regulations of innate and inflammatory responses and their effects

In this article, I briefly explain the positive and negative regulatory mechanisms of innate and inflammatory responses and their effects. Responses of Innate immunity Innate immune responses have vital roles in annihilating infections. These responses eliminate the invading pathogen by phagocytosis or cytotoxicity. Secondly, the cells of innate immunity secrete different cytokines depending upon the … Read more >>

Innate lymphoid cells and their importance in innate immune and inflammatory responses

In this article, I briefly explain the importance of innate lymphoid cells in innate immune and inflammatory responses. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) Innate immunity is generally governed by non-lymphoid cells, i.e., myeloid and epithelial cells. ILCs are a family of lymphocytes activated by infection, damage, or stress and enhancing innate and inflammatory responses. Innate lymphoid … Read more >>

Phagocytosis- A process of abolishing pathogens

In this article, I briefly explain phagocytosis, the process which abolishes pathogens. Phagocytosis Phagocytosis is simply a mechanism in which a white blood cell (phagocyte) envelops a foreign particle and annihilates it, thereafter discards the dead cells. In this process, the cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf the foreign particle, developing an internal compartment … Read more >>

Infectious and non-infectious causes of chronic inflammation

In this article, I briefly explain the infectious and non-infectious causes of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation Chronic inflammation is a slow and long-running inflammation that can last for many months to years. It varies with its extent and effects relating to the cause of the injury and the resilience of the body towards the inflammation. … Read more >>

The external barriers of innate immunity

In this article, I briefly explain the external barriers of innate immunity. Innate immunity Our immune response includes two interconnected systems that act collaboratively to protect our body from foreign invaders. Innate immunity and adaptive immunity differ from each other in providing immunity. Innate immunity provides the first line of defense against pathogens and acts … Read more >>

Immune system recognition leads to immune responses

In this article, I briefly explain the occurrence of immune responses after recognition by the immune system. Immune system and its strategic program There are innumerable cells of our immune system disseminated throughout our body. When our body is under attack from any foreign invader, the biggest task is to search for the precise cells … Read more >>

Peptides and proteins with their distinguishing properties

In this article, I briefly explain the peptides and proteins with their distinguishing properties. Proteins Proteins are the most abundant biological macromolecules present in all cells in many varieties. In a single cell, thousands of different kinds of proteins are present. Peptides and proteins are the polymers of amino acids. In every organism, the proteins … Read more >>

Cytokine families and their functions

In this article, I briefly explain the cytokine families and their functions. Cytokines The proteins that regulate the communication between various components of the immune system to run it efficiently are known as cytokines. These proteins interact with their receptors on a target cell, and induction of a variety of responses is initiated. An immune … Read more >>

Types of Memory T cells and their mode of action

In this article, I briefly describe the different types of memory T cells and their mode of action, along with several surface proteins they express. Memory T cells In a secondary lymphoid organ, in the zone of T cells, when a T cell is engaged with a dendritic cell for one or two days, it … Read more >>

Susceptibility to Autoimmunity- Men or Women?

In this article, I briefly describe the susceptibility to autoimmunity in men and women and compare between the genders. What is autoimmunity? Autoimmunity arises when an organism produces its immune response against its healthy cells and tissues. This type of immune response leads to autoimmune diseases. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, Addison’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and … Read more >>