
Biotechnology is a vast subject which includes multiple disciplines and its very challenging to master it. Our aim is to help others by providing indepth knowledge on different fields of biotechnology. We believe sharing knowledge is the best way to ehnance one’s intellect.

Discover Biotech was founded by Ms. Swagatika Sahu and her late husband Mr. Dipesh Sahu in the year 2012. Swagatika Sahu has done master’s in biotechnology and Dipesh Sahu was an IT professional. Discover Biotech had been well applauded for its contribution towards the biotech enthusiasts. Now this site has been revamped and presented in a new format. We hope, this time also it will get success in satiating our users.

As biotechnology has several branches, so it is quite difficult to find everything at a single place. However, every possible attempt has been made to give it a feel-good experience as the ultimate motto is to provide quality education to the students, and people belonging to the zone of biotechnology.

Discover Biotech provides in-depth knowledge in various aspects of biotechnology like immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry etc. The biotech aspirants can explore variety of useful topics. We are optimistic about the fact that this site will largely help our users.

We all need your support and encouragement towards a firm establishment of Discover Biotech. All the users are welcome to propound their valuable feedback about the website. We will try our best to consider your earnest feedback to make our site more appealing.

So, let us all come together and Discover Biotech!!!