The antigen-antibody interaction: Agglutination reaction

In this article, I briefly describe agglutination reaction, which is a type of antigen-antibody interaction. Antigen-antibody interaction The Interaction between antigen and antibody is a bimolecular association, which does not lead to an irreversible chemical alteration in either the antibody or the antigen. The antigen-antibody association involves many non-covalent interactions between the antigenic determinant (epitope) … Read more >>

The antigen-antibody interaction: Precipitation reaction

In this article, I briefly explain the precipitation reaction, which is a type of antigen-antibody interaction. Antigen-antibody interaction The Interaction between antigen and antibody is a bimolecular association, which does not lead to an irreversible chemical alteration in either the antibody or the antigen. The antigen-antibody association involves many non-covalent interactions between the antigenic determinant … Read more >>

The treatment for autoimmunity

In this article, I briefly describe the methods of treatment for autoimmune diseases. Autoimmunity and its causes The immune responses of an organism against its healthy cells and tissues give rise to a condition known as autoimmunity. It is the presence of antibodies and T lymphocytes against self-antigens. The diseases linked to autoimmunity are known … Read more >>

The basics of organ transplantation

In this article, I briefly describe the basics of organ transplantation. Organ transplantation Removing an organ from one’s body and placing it in a recipient’s body to fulfill the need for a missing organ is known as organ transplantation. In the fifth century B.C., the legendary surgeon from India Sushruta, expressed nose reconstruction for the … Read more >>

The effector cells of the immune system

In this article, I briefly describe the effector cells of the immune system. Effector cells The effector cells of the immune system are the differentiated cells mounting precise responses in the presence of a stimulus. Our immune system generates effector cells as a response against harmful pathogens. Effector cells are also produced against self-cells in … Read more >>

The mechanism of killing of target cells by effector cells

In this article, I briefly describe the mechanism of killing of target cells by effector cells. Effector cells Effector cells are the cells of the adaptive immune system, carrying out an immune function in response to a stimulus. The group of effector cells that have direct cytotoxic activity on foreign cells and altered self-cells are … Read more >>

Organ-specific autoimmune diseases

In this article, I briefly describe organ-specific autoimmune diseases. Autoimmunity The term “autoimmunity” defines the failure of a person’s immune system to recognize its cells as self. Thus, the immune system mounts an immune response against its healthy cells. Disease resulting from this type of immune response is known as autoimmune disease. Self-components are recognized … Read more >>

The expression of MHC genes and diversity between different MHC classes

In this post, I briefly describe the MHC genes, haplotypes, and the diversity between different MHC classes. The MHC genes Vertebrate DNA is marked with a large locus known as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). It contains closely linked polymorphic genes that code for cell surface proteins. These cell surface proteins are known as the … Read more >>

Systemic autoimmune diseases

In this article, I describe types of systemic autoimmune diseases and their symptoms. What are autoimmune diseases? Autoimmune diseases happen when a person’s immune system attacks its healthy cells. Immune-stimulatory lymphocytes or antibodies recognize self-components causing cell lysis, which results in an inflammatory response in the affected organ. Autoimmune diseases may be systemic or organ-specific. … Read more >>

The generation of memory cells and formation of long-lived plasma cells

In this article, I briefly describe the generation of memory cells and the formation of long-lived plasma cells from B cells. Differentiation of B cells to produce memory cells B cells undergo the process of differentiation after getting activated by T cells. They differentiate to produce plasma cells, memory cells, or activated germinal center B … Read more >>